Assignment task: Parents will often ask their child's educator: 'Is my child ready for school?'. It is important that you provide families with information that allows them to make an informed decision.
Design and develop a handout on transitioning to school and school readiness on 2-4 A4 pages that could be given to families. The handout needs to include at least one website parents could visit for more information on school readiness.
Some points to consider when writing your handout:
- Consider layout and include imagery (this makes it easier to read)
- Provide an objective view
- Include a focus on social and emotional learning rather than purely academic readiness
- Cover implications for now and in the future e.g., transition to high school or work
- Think about differences in individual needs, inclusive practices, genders, social and cultural requirements ('Ready Child Equation')
- Include possible questions that parents could ask their local school
- Include additional sources of information for parents to consider e.g. additional needs funding.
- Ideas for parents on school readiness and/or providing a challenging and stimulating home environment
- Linking with local schools and their orientation/transition to school processes
- Referencing any information sources used.