
Design and analysis of algorithms

Q1. Why do we employ asymptotic notations in the study of algorithms? In brief explain the generally used asymptotic notations.

Q2. Show that the Quick Sort algorithm occurs O(n2) time in the worst case.

Q3. Describe any two methods which are used to resolve collision throughout Hashing.

Q4. Draw BSTs of height 2, 3 and 4 on the set of keys {10, 4, 5, 16, 1, 17, 21}

Q5. Give a simple method to implement the Disjoint-set data structure.

Q6. Illustrate that the worst case complexity for simple text search (Naive string matching) to determine the first occurrence of a pattern of length m on a text of length n is θ(n-m+1)(m-1).

Q7. Define the term Red-Black Tree with an illustration.

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Computer Engineering: Design and analysis of algorithms
Reference No:- TGS010301

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