
Design an onboarding and training plan


Hiring the new Claims Supervisor for Epic Health Solutions! The person selected was an outside candidate so she will need orientation to the company, the department, and the job. The new-hire is scheduled to start in 2 weeks.

The CEO is counting on you to design an onboarding and training plan which will provide her with the necessary tools to function independently. Download this Training Plan Templateand use it to provide a framework for the development of your Training Plan. You may find it helpful to refer back to Module 04 which discussed Training and where you created a training plan as an assignment.

In order to make sure that your training plan is well designed, you decided it would be a good idea to ask for some feedback. In order to accomplish this, you will submit a copy of your proposed training plan to this Dropbox and another copy to the Discussion in the next Module (so that members of your Training Team can review it and provide feedback).

Training Plan Template


(Describe the purpose of the training plan)


(Describe the scope of the training, such as initial training for new employees, staff training on important topics, etc.)


(Describe the objectives or expected results of the training. Express objectives as actions that the users will be expected to perform once they have been trained.)


(Provide an overview of the training curriculum.)

Training Requirements

(The training audience and the time frame in which training must be accomplished.)

Roles and Responsibilities

(Identify what staff will provide training)

Training Evaluation

(Describe how training evaluation will be performed using the Kirkpatrick levels)

Training Strategy

(Describe the type of training (ex: classroom, computer, shadowing, etc.); and the training schedule)


(Identify all known constraints and/or limitations that could potentially affect the training.)

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Other Management: Design an onboarding and training plan
Reference No:- TGS01828706

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