
Design an er schema for keeping track of information

Design an ER schema for keeping track of information about votes taken in the U.S. House of Representatives during the current two-year congressional session. The database needs to keep track of each U.S. STATE'S Name (e.g., Texas, New York, California) and includes the Region of the state (whose domain is {Northeast, Midwest, Southeast, Southwest, West}). Each CONGRESSPERSON in the House of Representatives is described by their Name, and includes the District represented, the StartDate when they were first elected, and the political Party they belonged to (whose domain is {Republican, Democrat, Independent, Other}). The database keeps track of each BILL (i.e., proposed law), and includes the BillName, the DateOfVote on the bill, whether the bill PassedOrFailed (whose domain is {YES,NO}), and the Sponsor (the congressperson(s) who sponsored-i.e., proposed-the bill). The database keeps track of how each congressperson voted on each bill(domain of vote attribute is {Yes, No, Abstain, Absent}). Draw an ER schema diagram for the above application. State clearly any assumptions you make.

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Data Structure & Algorithms: Design an er schema for keeping track of information
Reference No:- TGS086326

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