Design an effective dramatic play center

Complete the mcq:

1. Which of the following statement accurately reflects what we know about facilitating science learning for infants and toddlers?

A. Infants and toddlers are too young to develop science skills, instead, you ;should focus on physical skills.

B. It's important to have a science circle each week where the teacher demonstrates a science concept to the infants and toddlers.

C. Infant toddler classrooms should have a variety of materials that emphasize such concepts as cause and effect and classification.

D. Infant toddler teachers need to have a fully developed science center that includes such materials as magnets and simple science experiments.

2. To design an effective dramatic play center, which of the following criteria would you follow?

A. Limited props so children are encouraged to use their imagination

B. High ceiling height so that the area doesn't seem too small

C. Located in the quiet area of the classroom

D. Some safe, loose parts so children can create what they need

3. Which of the following statements concerning infants and music is true?

A. Even before birth, children respond to music.

B. Lullabies are found only in cultures originating in Europe, so they might not be appropriate in all cultural settings.

C. Babies aren't instinctive music makers; instead, they need to be taught to create and respond to music.

D. It's best to concentrate on talking to babies rather than singing because language development is so crucial.

4. The sensory center can help children develop skills and knowledge in which of the following domains?

A. Physical, social, and cognitive

B. Physical only

C. Physical and social

D. Physical, social, emotional, and cognitive

5. Which of the following would be an important consideration when supplying musical instruments?

A. Providing durable, quality-sounding instruments even if you only have a few

B. Avoiding home-made instruments since they tend to have low sound quality

C. Providing whistles since these are favorite instruments of children

D. Having an abundance of instruments even if they're low quality

6. When would you provide a very limited variety of art materials?

A. When children are first introduced to an art media or tool

B. It's important to always have a rich variety of art materials

C. When the art center is small

D. When children are under the age of four

7. Which of the following teachers is using the computer most effectively?

A. "I believe that my preschool children learn more if they only use hands-on manipulatives. The computer is too likely to just be

a plaything. Therefore, I don't use the computer for math."

B. "I use the computer to manipulate figures and place the actual hands-on manipulatives nearby."

C. "I use the computer primarily for math practice and drill."

D. "I use the computer so that children can manipulate geometric figures."

8. The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics states that all five math standards are important in the early childhood years. However, they state that an emphasis needs to be placed on which of the following standards?

A. Numbers and operations, algebra, measurement

B. Algebra, geometry, data analysis

C. Algebra, geometry, measurement

D. Numbers and operations, geometry, measurement

9. Which would be the most appropriate way to respond to art work?

A. "I like the way you used the different markers."

B. "What is your picture?"

C. "You used both thin and thick lines in your drawing."

D. "You did a great job."

10. According to the textbook, which of the following statements is true in regard to technology use by young children?

A. Computers can replace many other tools currently in classrooms such as drawing materials.

B. The majority of young children don't use technology.

C. Computers shouldn't be used by children under six since they're detrimental to children's health.

D. Computers are a tool that can be appropriately or inappropriately used.

11. Superhero and war play concern many teachers. These teachers describe how they manage this type of play. Which is most effective?

A. "I allow this type of only on Fridays. On that day I have extra help to keep an eye on the play."

B. "I ban the play since it seems to quickly get out of control when this type of play begins."

C. "I focus on real-life heroes, inviting them to the classroom and providing props."

D. "I feel that children should be able to play whatever they wish without any adult intervention. Lately the children have been immersed in pirate play, pretending to kill each other with swords."

12. Which of the following is a true statement in regard to art for children under the age of three?

A. Although children this age can begin to scribble, it's best to provide only crayons since they're too young for other art media.

B. It's important to introduce a different art activity each day so that the children don't become bored.

C. A major art goal for children under three is exploration of media such as clay, crayons, markers, and paint.

D. Children under three are too young to participate in art since they're often still mouthing items.

13. Clean up can be a challenge in the block center. Following are strategies used by four different teachers to assist with clean-up. According to information in the textbook, which would be the most effective strategy?

A. "I'm now using boxes rather than shelves in the block center. It's much quicker to just put the blocks in a box rather than place them on a shelf."

B. "I reduced the number of blocks in the area. This way it isn't so overwhelming at clean-up."

C. "I make clean-up a game. For example, some days we play beat the clock seeing how many blocks we can pick up before a timer rings."

D. "Children who are in the block area when the bell rings to signal the end of center time are assigned to clean the area. If they don't have all the blocks put away in a reasonable amount of time, then they aren't allowed to play there the next day."

14. Which statement is true regarding the use of the computer for children with special needs?

A. Technology can be a compensatory tool for children with disabilities.

B. It's better for children with special needs to use hands-on activities rather than computers.

C. Children's attention spans are reduced when using the computer, so it's especially important to avoid computers for children who have attention issues.

D. Computers tend to aggravate problems for children with autism, giving them less opportunity to practice communication skills.

15. Which of the following would assist toddlers to learn one-to-one correspondence?

A. Number cards to trace

B. Old calculators

C. Play dough to create letters

D. Pegs and pegboards

16. Vygotsky states that sociodramatic play is ideal for assisting children to develop self-regulation. Why is this true?

A. Children have few rules when participating in dramatic play.

B. Children have little need to plan while participating in sociodramatic play

C. Children practice rule-bound behavior in a motivating situation while participating in dramatic play.

D. Children don't have to worry about peers, only themselves, when participating in dramatic play.

17. Which of the following teachers is providing the children in her classroom the needed opportunity to develop skills through block building?

A. "I have a center that contains unit blocks and props."

B. "I also have a small classroom and so have added Legos and other small building blocks to my manipulative center rather than having a separate block center."

C. "My room is too small for a block center, and the children don't really like it anyway"

D. "I have a small classroom so I rotate the block and dramatic play center since children develop the same skills in both centers."

18. The reading center needs to represent a variety of cultures. Which of the following teachers' responses reflects the philosophy found in your textbook?

A. "I believe that it's more important to choose high quality books that fit with the theme we're studying rather than worrying about whether they're multicultural."

B. "I provide a variety of multicultural literature as a way of exposing children to their own and to others' cultures."

C. "At the beginning of the school year, I ask each of the parents what culture they are. This year all the parents said they're Caucasian. I guess I don't need to worry about multicultural literature this year."

D. "I choose books that represent the cultures that are in my community. We live in a community with many American Indians, so I try to make sure that I have books that represent the American Indian culture."

19. The reading area needs to be well-stocked with quality books. A well-stocked reading area would contain which of the following?

A. One to two books per child in the classroom

B. Three to four books per child in the classroom

C. Ten books per child in the classroom

D. Five to eight books per child in the classroom

20. Which of the following teachers' responses illustrates the appropriate use of literature for infants and toddlers?

A. "I believe that infants and toddlers are too young for books. Instead it's best to focus on oral language."

B. "I have a variety of books available for the infants in my room. They're on a high shelf. When the infants want one, they point at it and I get it down for them. That way I can make sure none of the books get damaged."

C. "I have a low bookshelf in my room that has cloth and board books. The infants can look at the books whenever they wish."

D. "Each day I have a story time for the infants in my classroom. We try to read at least two books during this time. But, if they get too restless, I stop the story and let them leave the circle."

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