
Design an ad for their product or service


Design an ad for their product or service

Students will design an ad for their product or service and explain their design. Details and the grading rubric will be distributed in class.

You are required to develop an ad using either print media or electronic media. Your ad should be attractive. Determine who your customers are. In your essay, thoroughly discuss your ad, why you selected your ad, and why your ad will be effective.

Ad and Essay Rubric

Exceeds Standards

Meets Standards

Nears Standards

Needs work


Presentation and Creativity. Thorough info


Presentation lacks info.

Poor presentation. Lack info.


Essay is thorough, understandable, and relevant

Essay is understandable and relevant

Essay is relevant

Essay is not thorough, understandable and relevant




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Marketing Management: Design an ad for their product or service
Reference No:- TGS01880385

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