Assignment 1: Sensors and Signals
Prof. Fledermaus is the world-renowned expert on cave dwelling bats. In 2015 he observed, albeit briefly, a hitherto unknown Ghost bat (Macroderma ?) feeding on cave crickets above the water of an underground lake.
Observations were difficult because the bat never left this underground habitat and illuminating the cave resulted in the bats becoming agitated and removing themselves to an inaccessible chamber deeper underground.
In an attempt to capture a number of these creatures, Prof. Fledermaus contracted the Sensors & Signals class of 2016 to build an autonomous boat equipped with a thermal infrared camera and a butterfly net as shown in the sketch.
To the dismay of all concerned, when the boat was tested, it was discovered that the insulating properties of the bats fur covering was so effective that no IR signature could be detected.
It was also noted that, even though the tests were conducted while a number of bats were feeding over the water, not a single one flew into the net. It was presumed that the bats were able to detect the fixed net and avoid it.
Prof. Fledermaus has heard that the Sensors & Signals class of 2017 are good, so he is prepared to sponsor one last attempt to catch the illusive Ghost Bat.
The Solution
1. To minimise additional expenses, the same autonomous boat will be used.
2. The net will be fitted with a linear actuator that will allow it limited, but fast vertical movement so that it can be popped up into the path of a bat.
3. Design an active sensor system that can determine the bats trajectory and control both the direction of travel of the boat (it always travels at full speed), and the instant that the net should be popped up into the bats path.
4. Because the boat runs from batteries, power consumption is important, so make sure the sensor performance matches the requirements of the task.
5. Though this is a sensor design, any peripheral items that will be required for the system, should be specified and briefly analysed.
Assignment 2: Sensors and SignalsProblem Definition
General Aim: Track a golf ball through all stages of flight.
Detailed Requirements:
1. The system shall be capable of tracking a golf ball through all stages of its flight, including as it bounces and rolls along the ground.
2. This tracking shall be accurate to within 0.1 m in the ball's position and 0.01 m/s in the ball's velocity.
3. The system shall be man portable and quick and easy to set up.
4. The system shall be automated in its operation.
5. The system shall display the ball's trajectory on a graphical interface.
6. Each shot trajectory shall be able to be analysed.