
Design an abstract class named bankaccount java file called


Design an abstract class named BankAccount (java file called BankAccount.java) with the (exact) following fields and methods (these names and caps exactly):

Filed/Method Description
The bank account balance
The number of deposits this month
The number of withdrawals this month
The annual interest rate

The monthly service charge

BankAccount A constructor method that accepts as arguments the balance and the annual
interest rate

A method that accepts the monthly service charges as an argument and set the field value
A method that returns the bank account balance
A method that returns the number of deposits this month
A method that returns the number of withdrawals this month


A method that returns the annual interest rate

A method that returns the monthly service charge

A method that accepts the amount of the deposit as an argument, add the value of that argument to the account balance, and increment the variable holding the number of deposits.

A method that accepts the amount of the withdrawal as an argument, subtracts that argument value from the balance, and increment the value holding the number of withdrawals.

A method that updates the balance by calculating the monthly interest earned by the account, and adding this interest to the balance
A method that subtracts the monthly service charges from the balance, callas

The CalculateInterest method to calculate the interest, and then sets to 0 the variables for NumberDeposits, NumberWithdrawals, and MonthlyServiceCharge

Next, design another class named SavingsAccount (java file called SavingsAccount.java) that extends the BankAccount class. This class should have the (exact) following fields and methods (these names and caps exactly)

Filed/Method Description

A private (Boolean) field that holds the account status: if it is active or inactive. If the balance of the account falls below $25, the account becomes inactive. No withdrawals can be made from an inactive account.

SavingsAccount A constructor method that accepts as arguments the account balance, the annual interest rate, and the monthly service charge. Based on the account balance, the constructor should set the account Status to true or false.



A method that calls the superclass version of the Deposit method, to make a deposit and then updates the Status of the accounts if the balance goes above $25.

A method that checks if the status of the account is active, and, if that is true, calls the superclass version of the Withdrawal method, to make an withdrawal from the account. The method should update the Status if the balance goes under $25.

A method that does the monthly process based on the number of withdrawals from the account.

If the number of withdrawals for the month is less or equal to 4, the method calls the superclass version of the MonthlyProcess method, to do the monthly process.

If the number of withdrawals for the month is more than 4, then a service charge of $1 for each withdrawal above 4 (e.g. $1 for 5, $2 for 6, etc.) is added to the superclass field that holds the monthly service charge (using the superclass SetMonthlyServiceCharges). Then, the method calls the superclass version of the MonthlyProcess method, to do the monthly process.

Document your program (meaning follow the Assignment Code Convention, explain what each line of code does).

For 10 points extra credit, create a program/project called [YourName]-Assignment9 (replace [YourName] with your actual name) in the same project as the BankAccount.java and SavingsAccount.java .that create a SavingsAccount objects and demonstrate the methods (and different cases)

GetBalance, GetNumberDeposits,

GetNumberWithdrawals, GetAnnualInterestRate, GetMonthlyServiceCharge, Deposit, Withdrawal,

CalculateInterest, and MonthlyProcess for the particular SavingsAccount object. Take a screenshot of the editor window (showing the source code and the output) and save it as [YourName]-Screenshot (make sure you preserve the image file extension) or paste it in a document called [YourName]-Screenshot. Replace

[YourName] with your actual name.

You can earn/loose additional points according to the following table:

+10 For writing the driver class [YourName]-Assignment9 with requested methods
-5 For not documenting your code (should have a comment for each line of code , field, method, class, program, etc)
-5 For not using the correct program name or file name that does not have your name in it
-5 For not submitting the correct files
-30 For hardcoding the results ; i.e. printing out the expected results instead of computing the values and then outputting the computed values
-50 For cheating.

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Computer Engineering: Design an abstract class named bankaccount java file called
Reference No:- TGS01677049

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