
Design a workbook

"Design a workbook named weightlifting_LastnameFirstname to be used to assist tracking your weight lifting routine. Your name should list in cell A1 in an enlarged font size with a new font name merged and centered across all columns used. Include a list of at least 5 rows of data. Include column headings for each column with a thick bottom border under the row with each entry boldfaced and center-aligned in its cell. Each row should include columns to list date left-aligned, name of the exercise (ex. bench press), number of sets performed, number of repetitions per set and weight used in pounds. Use a column to compute the one-rep max (amount of weight you should be able to lift once) using one common formula: Weight / (1.0278 - 0.0278 * Reps) displaying with one decimal place. Use another column to compute the one-rep max using a second popular formula: Weight * (1 + 0.033 * Reps) displaying with one decimal place. Under the last row compute the sum of repetitions for all exercises. Include text in a cell describing this value to the reader. Select a background color for this value with a thick box border. Rename Sheet1 appropriately and delete unused sheets. Your workbook must be unique and reflect your own data and design."

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Basic Computer Science: Design a workbook
Reference No:- TGS01407673

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