
Design a wide band pass filter

Design a wide band pass filter with cut-off frequency fL = 400 kHz, fH = 600 kHz, and a pass-band gain = 10. The roll-off rate at the cut-off frequency should be at least 40dB/ decade Calculate the value of Q for this filter.
i) Explain briefly how the circuit works. Show all calculations steps and assumption made in your circuit design
ii) Show the circuit schematic with all the resistor and capacitor values labelled.
iii) Perform AC analysis on the circuit and obtain the bode diagram. The bode diagram should shows the voltage gain (Vout / Vin) in dB vs the signal frequency. Identify the -3dB cut-off frequency fL and fH from the plot. From the graph, estimate the roll-off rate. Based on the simulation result, comment on the performance of the filter. Does it meet the design requirement?
iv) List all components used together with its product code and price. Information on practical components should be obtained from Analog Devices, Farnell and RS website.

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Electrical Engineering: Design a wide band pass filter
Reference No:- TGS0429650

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