
Design a system performs initialize seven-segment display

Problem: Design

You are working with the following peripherals on ARM: Input: switch 1 (SW1); Output: seven-segment display, RGB LED

1. Design a system that performs the following: (i) initialize the seven-segment count display to 0; (ii) flash RGB LED repeatedly (i.e., normal behavior); (iii) whenever SW1 is pressed, (i.e., interrupt trigger), turn on green LED for 5 seconds and increment the count on the display; (iv) when the count value gets to 20, disable interrupt behavior, i.e., no longer responding to SW1.

2. Develop (in C code) only the ISR for the above design (in other words, you may assume that headers, main and other supporting functions are already implemented).

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Computer Engineering: Design a system performs initialize seven-segment display
Reference No:- TGS03256266

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