It is a about sustainability plan
The company name is Johns and Johns.
You design a sustainability plan that is useful and helpful to Johns and johns.
The best way is to crate is you should consider the Johns and Johns' competitor's sustainability acting but do not just copy.
Focus on pollution prevention. If the company already has a clear sustainability portfolio, analyse it according to the above criteria and suggest possible improvements for each.
1 make a table like as follow.
1. Goal
2. Milestones 1milestones
3. Objectives 2 objectives
4. Strategies 1 each objectives
5. Timeline. By 2020
2. Analyse a milestones - do like samples but add 1.1.3 and 1.1.4 and 1.1.5 each objectives.
analysis 2 objectives in the table above in following way, so each objective should have explanation about strategies, tactics, cost, advantages, difficulties like below.
It is around 220 words
1 Objectives in the objectives table dot 1.
1.1 Strategies in the strategies table dot 1
1.2 Tatics
1.3 cost - expectation based on historical record. Just 2 sentences.
1.4 advantages integrating your sustainability portfolio into the company's strategy.
1.5 difficulties integrating your sustainability portfolio into the company's strategy.
It is around 220 words
2 Objectives in the objectives table.
2.1 Strategies in the strategies table
2.2 Tatics
2.3 cost - expectation based on historical record.
2.4 advantages integrating your sustainability portfolio into the company's strategy.
2.5 difficulties integrating your sustainability portfolio into the company's strategy.