Survey project Instructions
For this assignment, you will design a survey to investigate social media and a topic of your choosing. Your topic must focus on a specific social media medium (e.g., Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, etc.) AND a specific element of social media use. Some example topics:
Facebook and friendship
Instagram and self-presentation
Snapchat and news consumption
Reddit and productivity
Facebook and political engagement
What do I turn in?
In two to three paragraphs, explain your topic, why it is important, and why it can be addressed using a survey. Explain what would make a good sample. Additionally, explain which sampling method would be appropriate. Justify your choices.
Then, using the guidelines discussed in class and in your book (Babbie, chapter 9), create a survey. Questions should be properly formatted.
Please note: You are not actually collecting data. The purpose of this assignment is to demonstrate your survey question writing skills, you knowledge of question types, and your knowledge of variable types.
The survey must have a minimum of 30 questions (with response sets). Note:
Five questions must be scale--type questions
Five must be semantic differentials
Five must be numeric--answer questions
You may choose the format for the remaining 15 questions (don't forget to include demographics).
For each survey question you write, include the following:
(1) A justification of why you are asking the question (what is the question measuring?). This should be accomplished in about one to two sentences.
(2) An explanation of what level of measurement the question involves (nominal, ordinal, scale, or ratio). This should be accomplished in about one sentence.