Problem 1:
1) Use the Australia standard
2) Make sure all answers are correct!
3) Provide detailed solving process; 4)Do not copy another web answers.
Problem 1 A splice is made in a 360UB44.7 tension member by bolting it to plate on both sides of the web. Check the structural capacity under pure tension (maximum tension force T) using the section shown below (not to scale) by considering all the possible failure modes
1) Tension capacity of UB section and plates (neglect block shear failure);
2) Failure of the bolts (bolt shear, plate crushing and tearout);
3) Failure of the welds (the welds are SP welds and the electrode E48XX/W50X; its leg length is 6mm);
4) Considering all the failure modes, what will be the allowable tensile load on this structural arrangement?

Note: Design capacities for bolts and welds can be taken from tables in textbook. Assume threads are included in all the shear plane(s).
Problem 2:
An 8 m long simply supported beam is carrying a load of 500 kN/m and resting on two columns. The transferred load from beam will act as imposed action on column. The self-weight of the column can be assumed as 300 kN.
The column is 15 m long and fixed at the base. Since the beam is simply supported, the other end of the column can be considered as pinned/roller. The load carrying capacity of the column is increased by bracing it about y-y axis using struts that are assumed to be pin-connected at 9 m from the base.
Design a suitable compression member (member AB) by using WB section based on ONESteel Handbook (heavily welded). (Must follow the basic design procedure; kf can be determined from the table in OneSteel Hand book)