Poker has become a big hit on television. You want to know if watching a lot of poker on TV makes viewers better poker players themselves. Your assignment is to design a small-group laboratory experiment that finds out, using the classical experiment design. You’ll need to be familiar with all details of classical experimental design to complete this exercise successfully.
1. Develop a prediction for what the results will show.
2. Describe the people who would be appropriate participants for this experiment.
3. How would you assign them to experimental and control groups?
4. Why do you need to administer a pretest to the experimental and control groups?
5. Describe your pretest.
6. Why do you need to administer a stimulus to the experimental group, but not the control group?
7. Describe the stimulus for the experimental group.
8. Describe the placebo for the control group. (You may choose to have no placebo.)
9. Why do you need to administer a posttest to the experimental and control groups?
10. Describe your posttest.