
Design a simulator to simulate cpu there are many

Project Assignment

There are three projects listed below. You have an option to choose only one project from the provided list for this course. The solution and design of your project must be original and innovative in order to receive full credit. Additionally, all of your work must be shown through presentation and a formal report. You have an option to be teamed with one of your classmates to complete the project. Discussions among teams is allowed, but the same work from multiple teams is not accepted. You must approach this project as a research task, which will require gathering information from books, journal papers and other sources. It is important to have a thorough research of literature to ensure a better understanding of ongoing research and to develop new ideas in the area of your topic. You are asked to design a software product but not a hardware design. However, you should be familiar to some extend with the hardware you use in order to develop a better software solution.

The topics:

1) Develop a software product for an ARM processor to do a task of your choice. However, before you start the task, you need to send me a paragraph to let me know what you are trying to solve.

2) Design a simulator to simulate CPU. There are many simulators on the Internet. I am not asking you to copy them for presentation. You must design and write a program for that.

Write an assembly code.

What I expect you to complete by the end of the semester for this project:

a) A working product. Your system has to work. Show the functionality of your system.

b) Presentation. You have to present your work in the best possible way in fifteen minutes. Make sure to rehearse your presentation many times with your teammate, and be sure to define the role of each member.

c) A formal, technical report, which must be in journal or conference format. You can choose IEEE format. The length of the report must be a minimum of five and maximum of 15 pages (double space with 12 pt. font), not including pictures and diagrams.

Your report must contain the following sections:

1) Cover page
2) Abstract or objective (Section I)
3) Introduction and historical facts (Section II)
4) Methodology. Show your techniques, design, etc. (Section III)
5) Software Code (Sect. IV)
6) Discussions of your product achievements and the results. This is the most important part of your report (Sect. V)
7) Future work (Sect. VI)
8) Conclusions (Sect. VII)
9) References. You must show all references in your paper in order to validate your work.

Remember: 10 extra points will be given to the best project, which has the best overall achievement.

Note: No late work will be accepted.

Each team has to present a progress report every week

Note: Maximum Three People for each team is allowed.

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Computer Engineering: Design a simulator to simulate cpu there are many
Reference No:- TGS02759269

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