
Design a ship cargoship and cruiseship class being mindful


Design a Ship, CargoShip and CruiseShip class being mindful of the behavior of each. Demonstrate the classes in a program that has a Ship array. Assign various Ships, CruiseShip, and CargoShip to the array elements.

Use the following properties list (all of them).

Polymorphism -

Ship - {floating, capacity, length, width, name, height, origin, departuredate, arrivaldate, departingport, arrivalport, owner}
CargoShip extends Ship - {cargotype, loadingmethod, numberofcranes, contraband, cargovalue}
CruiseShip extends Ship - {ticketprice, numberofrooms, buffetmenu, services [], cruisetype}
some methods - in Ship, CargoShip and CruiseShip - should be overridden - demonstrate polymorphism.

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JAVA Programming: Design a ship cargoship and cruiseship class being mindful
Reference No:- TGS03319644

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