
Design a questionnare for my project i already made two but

Topic: Design for an questionnare

Design a questionnare for my project, I already made two but there were not in the correct way.

1. Have you ever experienced lower back pain? (Mention the times of occurrence)

2. How severe was the pain?

3. Duration of lower back pain experienced? (The scale represent the no. of weeks)

4. For how many hours a day do you sit on a chair as per your job requirement?

5. How much lower back pain do you suffer everyday due to constantly sitting at work?

6. How often do you lift heavy items as per your job requirement?

7. For how many hours do you use laptop/computer as per your job requirement in a day?

8 Regarding your weight, how much overweight do you think you are with respect to your age factor? (0 corresponds to being neutral/normal).

9 How often do you smoke a week?

10 Describe the comfort level of the sitting chair you use at work. 1 being hard and rough while more means soft and comfortable whereas as zero corresponds to neutral.

11 How severe lower back pain do you experience when you cough or sneeze?

12 Considering the given scale, how much of a party animal are you?

13 How frequently has your social life been a reason contributing to your lower back pain?

14 How many a times has your sleep been affected by your lower back pain?

15 How frequently do you exercise in a week?

16 How regularly do you give yourself some off time on weekends (in a month) to relieve yourself of the workload stress?

17 Considering the scale, how much have you been bothered about feeling depressed? (0 means not at all while More corresponds to being extremely depressed)

18 How frequently do you drive in a ________________ (week/month)?

19. Is there any specific sport or hobby that you deliver? And how frequently? Be precise.

20 From the above given sitting positions, select the one which you most likely follow at work.

21 Mention the height of the chair's back that you use at work (Use the above mentioned types of chair)

22 Describe the shape of the chair (Use the above mentioned types of chair).

23 Mention your current approximate height.

(Use the following categories while scaling).
1. Less than 5.0.
2. Within the range 5.0 - 5.4.
3. Within the range 5.5 - 5.9.
4. 6.0
5. Above 6.0

24 Use the above given figure to illustrate the area where you experience the back pain.

25 How much time do you take while trying to sleep?
1. Instantly.
2. Approximately 10 to 20 minutes.
3. Half an hour.
4. An hour.
5. More

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Dissertation: Design a questionnare for my project i already made two but
Reference No:- TGS01624497

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