Design a Quality checking tool for automotive belt:
Design a simple Goods Inwards Quality checking tool to ensure batch to batch quality of automotive (car, van &truck) belts.
Qualities to be measured.
• Length ( and this is not a simple as it sounds) L
• Elasticity (elongation under working loads) ?
• Friction coefficient to assess slip drive loads µ
• Longtitudinal damping factor ?
• Bending strength Ebend
• Total cost not to exceed £250
Basically finding the right materials for the tool to check the belt quality that we are going to design.
We have to come up with few materials, measurements and choose the best idea, its better to explain why that particular tool is the best.
We have to select the right material, the right measurements.
We must consider Bound and limitations and Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. Brainstorm on designs and some sketches.