Dynamics Systems and Controls
Flappy Rowdy Game: Your goal is to develop a controller for Rowdy that takes it from the bottom left corner (see figure 1 (a)) to the top right corner (see figure 1 (b)) while avoiding hitting the tubes. We describe the controller design problem next.

Figure 1: (a) Starting position for rowdy. (b) To win, rowdy needs to be at the far end without colliding the tubes.
Control design specification: The design problem is to propose a controller Gc(s) to control the vertical height, Y(s), of rowdy. The figure 2 shows the block diagram of the control system. The input R(s) is a step input. The plant is given by
G(s) = 1/((s + 2)(s + 3))
The specifications are as follows: (i) the steady state error should be zero, (ii) the percent overshoot should be 10%, and (iii) the settling time should be 1.33 sec.
1. Design a proportional controller Gc(s), to meet the specifications. Can you meet all three specifications? If not, then explain.
2. If you cannot meet all the specifications using a proportional controller, then design a controller Gc(s), of your choice that meets all the specifications.

Figure 2: Control system for apping rowdy bird
Animate your controller: Download the zip folder, apping rowdy.zip, In the le animate.m, specify you controller in the rst few lines. There is an example in the le to help you get started.
Run the le in MATLAB to see an animation.
Report: Please submit a neatly typed technical report. The project is individual work and each student needs to turn in a report. The report should include relevant plots, code, and clear explanation of your methodology. Your report should contain the following sections in this order.
Please write briefly and to the point. A hard copy of the report is due on April 29, 2015.
We will let you know the location and time to drop o your report.
1. Statement of Problem Denition
2. Project Objectives
3. Technical Approach
4. Summary of Results
5. Conclusion
6. References
- a recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning.
- an ability to use the techniques, skills and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice.