
Design a program that continuously accepts an authors name

pseudocode no c# or java just plain pseudocode:

Registration workers at a conference for authors of children's books have Collected data about conference participants, including the number of books Each author has written and the target age of their readers. The participants have Written from 1 to 40 books each, and target readers' ages range from 0 through 16.

(a.) Design a program that continuously accepts an author's name, number of books Written, and target reader age until a sentinel value is entered. Then display a list of How many participants have written each number of books (1 through 40)?

(b.) Modify the author registration program so that the output is a list of how many Participants have written 1 to 5 books, 6 to 12 books, and 13 or more books.

(c.) Modify the author registration program so that the output is a count of the Number of books written for each of the following age groups: under 3, 3 through 7, 8 through 10, 11 through 13, and 14 and older.

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Computer Engineering: Design a program that continuously accepts an authors name
Reference No:- TGS02904626

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