The purpose of this project is to design a pipeline and pumping system to dewater a mine. The production level is 500m below surface. Ore is fed through crusher chambers to the transport level which is 530m below surface.
Access into and out of the mine is by 4 declines at a gradient of 1 in 8. During the production phase the following water inflow rates are anticipated: Groundwater Dry Season (8 months) 105l/s and Wet Season (4 months) 190l/s Service Water 75l/s.
The purpose of the project is for students to design a suitable pipeline and pumping system to deal with the water flow in the mine and to pump it to a settling pond located on surface at a distance of 1.5km from the mine portals.
Main pumping stations underground are located at the base of the conveyor decline connecting to the transport level and at 250m below surface off the main vehicle access decline.
In addition students are to devise a system to drain water to the transport level pumping station.
Assume g=9.81m/s2 Density of water = 1000 kg/m3