
Design a multimodal document

Assignment task:

Your task is to design a multimodal document teaching your fellow classmates about Active Reading, its techniques, and its benefits. List the active reading strategies identified in the texts you read for this module. Decide which ones will be included in the document you design to teach fellow SLU students about Active Reading. Decide the look, design, and platform (brochure, bookmark, flyer) for your document. What app works best for designing the kind of document you're making? Is there a template available that can save you the trouble of designing the layout of the page? (Hint: Windows users might consider MS Publisher, and Mac users might consider Apple's Pages. Each of those apps has plenty of available, creative templates to get you started.) What color scheme, font make sense for what you are trying to do? How can you share things you make in that app? (Hint: most apps can export or print to PDF.) Annotate your final document, justifying or explaining the choices you made in it by providing at least 8-10 separate annotations.

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Other Subject: Design a multimodal document
Reference No:- TGS03288264

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