Develop an Expression Manager that can do the following operations: Balanced Symbols Check
• Read a mathematical expression from the user.
• Check and report whether the expression is balanced or not.
• {, }, (, ), [, ] are the only symbols considered for the check. All other characters can be ignored. Infix to Postfix Conversion
• Read an infix expression from the user.
• Perform the Balanced Parentheses Check on the expression read.
• If the expression fails the Balanced Parentheses Check, report a message to the user that the expression is invalid.
• If the expression passes the Balanced Parentheses Check, convert the infix expression into a postfix expression and display it to the user.
• Operators to be considered are +, -, *, /, %. Postfix to Infix Conversion
• Read a postfix expression from the user.
• Convert the postfix expression into an infix expression and display it to the user.
• Display an appropriate message if the postfix expression is not valid.
• Operators to be considered are +, -, *, /, %. Evaluating a Postfix Expression
• Read the postfix expression from the user.
• Evaluate the postfix expression and display the result.
• Display an appropriate message if the postfix expression is not valid.
• Operators to be considered are +, -, *, /, %.
• Operands should be only integers. Implementation
• Design a menu that requests user input to select from all the aforementioned operations.