Question 1: Design a majority circuit. This is a circuit which produces a 1 anytime there are more 1's than 0's on the inputs. Your circuit should have 3 inputs.
Question 2: Design a circuit with output f and inputs x1, x0, y1, y0. Let X = x1, x0 be a number where the four possible values of X are 00, 01, 10, 11. Let Y = y1y0 be another number with the same possible values.
Your circuit should output a 1 when the two numbers (X and Y) are equal, otherwise 0. (example x1x0 = 00 and y1y0 = 00 then X and Y are equal)
for each, Truth Table , Canonical Sum of Products, Canonical Product of Sums, and any algebraic manipulation done to achieve an optimized solution. Must be legible, but does not have to be typed.