Module - Amplifiers, Filters, Integrators and Dervators
1. For the problems in this section, please refer to the figures below. R1 is 10 kΩ and R2 is 99 kΩ
a. What is the gain for the inverting and for the non-inverting amplifiers?
b. What is the maximum input signal in both cases if the supply voltage is +/- 15.V?
2. Design a lowpass filter with a break-down frequency of 10 kHz and a low frequency voltage gain of 20 dB
3. Design a high pass filter with a break down frequency of 10Hz and a low frequency voltage gain of 20 dB
4. What happens if you connect the high pass filter after the low pass filter?
5. What happens if you connect the low pass filter after the high pass filter?