Design a lighting system along with electrical power

Introduction to Building Services and Design


Using CIBSE guides and Building Regulations Approved Documents as references, design a lighting system along with electrical power distribution.

You are provided with the site plan to help you in preparing your report, which should include the following:

- fully referenced schematic diagrams of the proposed system,
- location of Luminaires and switches, giving reasons for location.

You should comment on the luminaire chosen taken into consideration the following:
- suitability
- first cost
- running costs
- maintenance and life expectancy.

Comment on the affective use of natural daylight.

Show fully referenced schematic diagrams of your proposed electrical power distribution on the site plan, including location of consumer unit and power outlet, giving reasons for location. Make sure you have left the system adaptable for additional developments.

The report must include full referencing and where possible manufacture's data to support your design.


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Electrical Engineering: Design a lighting system along with electrical power
Reference No:- TGS01383887

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