The purpose of this paper is to design a flowchart for a process. This paper will select a process that I complete every day but would like to spend less time doing. The flowchart will be designed using an appropriate tool. This flowchart will include comments on the factors that affect the process design. This paper will identify one metric that is needed to measure the process. The flowchart will include data for the identified metric everyday of the work week.
Process and Flowchart Tool:
The process to that I will use to design a process flowchart for will be driving from home to work on a daily basis. When the time comes enter the vehicle, fasten the seatbelt and check the gears. Next, insert the key and start the engine. When the traffic is clear and conditions are appropriate, push down the gas pedal to accelerate the car and drive to the place of work. When I arrive at the destination the car needs to be placed in park and the process can stop.
Comments on Factors that Affect Process Design and Metric Measurement
The factors that affect the time it takes to reach and the safety to reach the destination are critical parts of the process flowchart. The safety precautions, traffic, gears, and location of workplace are some of the factors that affect the process design. The most appropriate metric to be used is time. The time will be measured in minutes to measure the status and success of the process design.

Monday 45 min
Tuesday 40 min
Wednesday 42 min
Thursday 47 min
Friday 39 min
Average 42.6 min