
Design a feedback form that guests can fill out that will



For this task, you are to identify and present 6 different dinner menu's that cater for each of the following dietary requirements (one for each requirement). Each menu must incorporate sufficient choices for your customers, and include at least 9 different dishes.
For each menu, you are to:
- Provide detailed recipes including recommended food preparation and cooking methods to ensure maximum nutrition
- Outline the nutritional information for each dish (your menu's must be nutritionally balanced)
- Consider your customer groups and include children, adolescents, and adult customers
- Costing's must include:
o All expenditure items to determine product costs
o Portion yields and costs from raw ingredients
o Proposed sell price for each dish (to ensure profitability)
- Include at least 2 cyclic menus for:
o Diabetics
o Healthy Living (low cholesterol & sodium and nutritional)
o 8 day cycle for breakfast, lunch, snack, dinner
- Computers and/or software programs must be used in the documentation of all menus and meal plans
Selected Dietary Requirements Include:
1. Kosher
2. Coeliac
3. Hindu - strict
4. Low fat, Low Carbohydrate
5. Diabetics
6. Healthy Living (low cholesterol & sodium and nutritional)
In presenting your recipes, you are to outline the standards you followed to ensure each recipe met the special dietary requirements

For this task, you are to evaluate the six different menus.
For each menu, you are to:
- Consider the nutritional value of each dish
- Research and liaise with Health & Industry Professionals
- Explain the compatibility of each menu offered
You are to present your evaluations to your assessor, ensuring you:
- provide a written outline to the points above
- verbally explain your changes to your assessor
Demonstrate technology skills by using computers and/or software programs in the documentation of all menus and meal plans

ASSESSMENT 2 - Case Study

Please refer to the instructions below regarding completing this assessment

Part 1
There is a function, a corporate dinner, booked in for the coming Friday night at your venue. You have received the dietary requirements for the guests attending which are, coeliac, fructose intolerance, vegan and hypertension.
The Table D'hôtel menu is on the following page and guest will select their choices when seated.
Guests with dietary requirements are entitled to a selection for entrée and main as well, dessert can be a single option. As the chef, you have the food and equipment in your kitchen to accommodate all of your guests.
How would you adjust the following menu to suit the dietary requirements?
List the dishes that you would serve and what specific changes you will make to the ingredients and cooking methods. You have to adjust the dishes completely in some cases, but try and maintain the main ingredient.
Provide two entrees, two main courses and one dessert variation for each requirement, in the table below.

Part 2
Design a feedback form that guests can fill out that will provide the information specific to their needs. How will you analyse the information received from the feedback forms?
Explain in detail, how you could use this feedback to improve staff training for both back and front-of¬house staff.


You are to research and answer all of the following questions. Be sure to:
- Print Clearly
- Answer all questions
- Use a pen. Assessments written in pencil will not be accepted.
- Ask your assessor if you do not understand a question. Whist your assessor cannot tell you the answer, he/she may be able to re¬word the question for you

1. What is a Vegan?

2. What's the difference between 'vegan' and 'vegetarian'?

3. What is Kosher food?

4. What do the following terms mean?
Chalav Yisrael

5. What is Halal?

6. What is Hinduism and how does this impact on Hindu food?

7. What are the 5 major food groups?

8. Why is food variety good for health?

9. What are carbohydrates?

10. How can you assist people following a low carbohydrate diet?

11. Describe Saturated, mono-unsaturated and polyunsaturated fats?

12. Describe trans fatty acids and how they affect health?

13. Describe the 2 categories of polyunsaturated fats and where they are found?

14. Lit 6 benefits of omega-3 fats:

15 List the 5 animal products where cholesterol is found?

16. What is dietary fibre and where is it found?

17. List 4 disorders that can arise from a low fibre diet:

18. What is soluble fibre?

19. Why are fruit and vegetables an important part of daily diet?

20. What are Legumes and their benefits? Provide examples

21. What are antioxidants?

22. List 8 good sources of antioxidants?

23. What foods can help manage diabetes?

24. Why does our food have food additives?

25. Explain 6 common functions of food additives?

26. Who controls the use of food additives?

27. How can you identify food additives in the products you cook with?

28. Answer the following questions relating to the food label below?
Ingredients - pork, wheat flour, capsicum, pineapple, green beans, sweet corn, sugar, tomato paste, pineapple concentrate, water, thickener (1422), acidity regulators (270, 260), soy sauce, salt, flavours, thickener (415).
What is the main ingredient?
That additives are in this product?

29. List 6 symptoms of a food intolerance?

30. List 6 symptoms of a food allergy?

31. What is anaphylaxis? Include symptoms.

32. What foods are the most common causes for food allergy? (list 7)

33. List 4 possible examples of drug interactions with food and beverages?

34. Describe the affect cooking can have on the nutrients in Vegetables?

35. Which method is better for retaining nutrition with vegetable
1. Boiling or Steaming?
2. Gilling or Frying?
Please explain your answers:

36. What affect can blanching have on vegetable nutrients?

37. Describe how you can retain the natural flavour of vegetables during cooking?

38. Why are fruits and vegetables an important part of a well-balanced diet?

39. What is national food standard 1.2.3?

40. Why would a customer request a gluten free meal?

41. What adjustments can you make to a recipe to make it gluten free?

42. According to the Australian Dietary Guidelines, detail the following guidelines as they relate to both children and older Australians.

43. Define the following terms
Food allergy
Food intolerance
Drug-Food interaction

44. Describe how you would perform a yield test on Vegetables?

45. What is the yield percentage for the following?

Item Tested                           Broccoli

Original weight                     2.000kg

Usable trimmings             0.000kg

Waste trimmings             0.700kg

Total trimmings                    0.700kg

Prepared weight              1.300kg

46. What is the yield percentage for the following?

Item Tested  Turned potatoes 
Original weight  5.000kg
Usable trimmings  1.000kg 
Waste trimmings  0.500kg 
Total trimmings  0.500kg 
Prepared weight 3.500kg

47. Define what a macro and micronutrients are, and the daily recommended intake?

48. What is Celiac disease and what types of food can they not eat?

49. hat are some alternatives you can use to replace sugar in recipes?

50. What are 3 factors one must think about when choosing appropriate beverages
List 3 beverages considered to be healthy and 3 beverages considered to be unhealthy? Explain your answers:

51. What is the importance of good nutrition and how is it linked to dietary diseases? Please explain your answers in detail:

52. Define the following:
Pureed Diet?
Mechanical Soft?
Soft Diet?
Thickened Liquids?

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Dissertation: Design a feedback form that guests can fill out that will
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