MATLAB Exercises
(a) Construct a signal plus noise random sequence using 10 samples of
X[n] = cos (2πfonts) + N[n],
where N[n] is generated using randn in MATLAB and f0 = 0.1/ts. Design a discrete-time matched filter for the cosine signal. Filter the signal plus noise sequence with the matched filter. At what sample value does the filter output peak.
(b) Construct a signal plus noise random sequence using 10 samples of the following
X[n] = cos (2πf1nts) + 10 cos (2πf2nts) + N[n],
where N[n] is generated using randn in MATLAB, f1 = 0.1 /ts , and f2 = 0.4/ts . Design a discrete-time matched filter for the f2 cosine signal. Filter the signal plus noise sequence with the matched filter. At what sample value does the filter output peak.