
Design a digital clock according to the following

Clock Project

Design a digital clock according to the following specifications:

The clock will display time in the standard 12 hour format HH:MM with an indicator for AM/PM. Your clock will use a 7-segment display unit.

The project must include:

1. A "black box" style design of the clock control unit and display as an overview.

2. Each part of the control unit should show the circuit design, including the state machine, state tables, flip-flop design and simplifications.

3. The implementation for the display unit should be specified (gate level / decoder)

4. The design of the unit should be clearly labelled and the connection(s) between components should be clearly marked.

5. A document explaining your implementation and the connections between components must be included.

You may choose the flip-flops and the 7-segment implementation, but all details of the implementations must be included in the documentation and in the final design of the clock unit.

You do not have to show the actual "time" enable to specify minutes / hours, but the enables that control the "movement" of minutes and hours must be clearly marked in your circuit design and included in the documentation.

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Other Engineering: Design a digital clock according to the following
Reference No:- TGS01384187

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