
Design a day flexibility, core, balance, plyometric program

Assignment Task:

Flexibility, Core, Balance, and Plyometric Program Design.

Overview: you will design and  submit a training program for your final project chosen team/athlete to  take place in one Strength and Conditioning practice session.


Design a one day Flexibility, Core, Balance, and Plyometric Program  for your final assignment team/athlete. This program will be used during  the team/athlete's pre-season training time frame. For example: if you  chose an NCAA Division I women's volleyball team (Fall semester  competition season), this would take place in the spring semester, once  the athletes return from Christmas Break during their NCAA regulated 8  total hours per week of allowed strength and conditioning and minimal  volleyball skill practice hours.

Design the program within Excel.

Include total time expected to complete the program, all exercises  to be completed, and organize the exercises within the appropriate  category: Flexibility, Core, Balance, or Plyometric.

In a Text Box within the Excel document: Identify and describe your  team/athlete, goals, level of play, Training Program's Focus/Objectives,  Training Program's Season Timeline, and any other relevant information  to assist your instructor with their evaluation.

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Other Subject: Design a day flexibility, core, balance, plyometric program
Reference No:- TGS03442681

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