Design a code in Java or C/C++ to simulate the operation of a standard WEP encryption shown in the following figure such that
1. Assume the plain text is 5 bits, ICV is 3 bits, key is 32 bits, IV is 8 bits, S array used in RC4 is 256 bits.
2. Use the RC4 and integrity check algorithms mentioned in slides.
3. Assume all possible values for a plain text of 5 bits starting from "00000" till "11111".
4. Obtain the ICV from the plain text using the mentioned integrity check algorithm.
5. Calculate the ASCII of a key of 32 bits. Assume the key to be "Sec8".
6. Assume that each plain text will be encapsulated in a frame and each frame is assigned an IV of 8 bits. Example: A plain text of "00000" will get an IV of "00000000" while a plain text of "00001" will get an IV of "00000001", so on and so forth.
7. Create a table for all the possible plain texts, their ICVs, the overall key (IV+key), the cipher text and the output of encryption (IV+cipher text).