
Design a class named timeoff the purpose of the class is to

Question: Design a class named TimeOff. The purpose of the class is to track an employee's sick leave, vacation, and unpaid time off. It should have, as members, the following instances of the NumDays class described in Programming Challenge 4:

maxSickDays A NumDays object that records the maximum number of days of sick leave the employee may take.

sickTaken A NumDays object that records the number of days of sick leave the employee has already taken.

maxVacation A NumDays object that records the maximum number of days of paid vacation the employee may take.

vacTaken A NumDays object that records the number of days of paid vacation the employee has already taken.

maxUnpaid A NumDays object that records the maximum number of days of unpaid vacation the employee may take.

unpaidTaken A NumDays object that records the number of days of unpaid leave the employee has taken.

Additionally, the class should have members for holding the employee's name and identification number. It should have an appropriate constructor and member functions for storing and retrieving data in any of the member objects.

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Programming Languages: Design a class named timeoff the purpose of the class is to
Reference No:- TGS02272149

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