
Design a behavior modification procedure for marla


DSM Case Studies

Marla is a 24-year-old woman who recently graduated from college and began a new job at an advertising firm. She suffers from extreme fear of social situations. In college, she avoided parties and large gatherings and tended to keep to herself. Now that she is working, it is becoming increasingly difficult for her to avoid social situations. Her boss and co-workers expect her to attend office functions and client parties as networking is a large part of the job. Marla is very artistic and creative and has already designed several successful ads for clients, but she is afraid that she will lose her job because of the difficulties she is experiencing socially.


Question 1.Define the target behavior in this case study.

Question 2.Describe how respondent behavior is involved in the development of an anxiety problem. Identify the CS and CR in this example.

Question 3.Discuss the difference between systematic and in-vivo desensitization. What are the advantages/disadvantages of each procedure?

Question 4.Design a behavior modification procedure for Marla and explain the rationale for your selection. Be sure to include a discussion of behavior hierarchy, relaxation procedures and de-sensitization procedures.

Case Study 2: Jon

Jon is a 6-year-old boy, with normal intelligence, who has a hair-pulling habit. The hair pulling occurs most often during periods of inactivity, such as during TV watching, quiet time in school, or waiting in line with his parents.


Question 1.Define the target behavior in this case study.

Question 2.What is the behavioral excess or deficit involved in this example? What are some of the possible short- and long-term implications of this behavior for the client?

Question 3.Design a habit reversal procedure for Jon that includes the use of differential reinforcement and identification of an appropriate competing response.

Question 4.Suppose that Jon was cognitively impaired. How would you change your habit reversal procedure to increase its effectiveness?

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Other Subject: Design a behavior modification procedure for marla
Reference No:- TGS01885414

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