
Design a 4-parameter constructor name id gpa and quizzes

Please You need to solve this Question with java code

Write a class Student that has these private fields:

String name

Integer ID

Double GPA

Integer N (Number of quizzes taken by this student) ? Array of N integers (grades of the quizzes)

And these public methods:

double quizzesAvg (which computes and returns the quizzes average grade) ? void print, which prints all the data of the Student.

void setGPA (to change the GPA to a new value)

A) Design a 4-parameter constructor (name, ID, GPA and quizzes array). Any trial to enter a negative quiz grade must generate the exception: negativeNotAllowed and the handler within the constructor must replace the negative grade with Zero.

The GPA must be in range [0..4]. If not, the constructor must throw the exception GpaRangeException to the caller. The test class (the caller) must handle this problem in any suitable way (Example: Skip that Student and generate a log text file of that error).

Computer Science Department Kuwait University

B) Write a class Node (which represents a single Node in a Binary Tree).

C) Write a class StudentTree (a binary Tree of students, based on their IDs), which has the following public methods:

Insert (Notice that it is not allowed to have a duplicated ID's, use a boolean search method to verify that)

Delete a student (given his/her ID)

Print the whole Tree (In-Order Traversal)

Compute the maximum quizzes average grade over all students.

Change the GPA of a certain student (given his/her ID)

D) Write a menu-driven program that starts with reading students data from a formatted text file (or a serial file) and inserting them in a Tree of students. Your program must have the above five functionalities as menu options. At end, the program updates all the students' data in the same file with the new (modified) data at the end of the run.

E) Choosing the file name must be through a GUI.

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JAVA Programming: Design a 4-parameter constructor name id gpa and quizzes
Reference No:- TGS02892369

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