
Design a 3-stage mosfet amplifier that provides a

Design a 3-stageMOSFET amplifier that provides a differential gain |vo/vd| > 20V/V, a small common-mode gain, and an output resistance Ro >1kΩ. The amplifier is to drive a load RL = 10kΩ. The frequency of the signal source is 10 kHz. Power supplies with±8 V are available. Assume that the output resistance ro ofall MOSFETs are very large and can be neglected. Also, assume thatK=0.5 mA/V2 and Vt = 1.5 V for all MOSFETs. Note that the designswill vary between individuals and there is not a single correctdesign. It is important that all the requirements listed above are satisfied.

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Electrical Engineering: Design a 3-stage mosfet amplifier that provides a
Reference No:- TGS0626309

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