
Description regarding thinking and intelligence

Could you please do an "objective" conversational response on how this person has done on their discussion on their discussion on cognition? Your expert objective response should contribute thoughtful, unique and interesting information to add to their discussion.

This is their discussion:

The IQ test was created for the French Ministry of Education by Alfred Binet in 1904 to help teachers identify students needing remedial work without undue prejudice or biasedness by the teacher. There are advantages and disadvantages of using IQ as a measurement of intelligence. Some of the advantages of using the test as a measurement of IQ include: the ability to identify those individuals that need remedial help and provide an opportunity to identify those with "natural abilities.

Some of the disadvantages of using the test as a measurement of IQ include: different ethical groups do not share the same learning experiences and background for the tasks (one's cultural situation), different economic groups had different knowledge for problem-solving and testing become a way to label or categorize people rather than to help those needing additional help.

The IQ test is not accurate when comparing city dwellers versus rural dwellers, different economic standings (poverty versus wealthy) and different ethnic or cultural upbringings. The test is also not accurate when comparing eastern versus western US participants. Another potential inaccuracy occurs with cultural stereotypes: women, elderly and the poor thinking they will do worse.

There is some disagreement between professionals on the usefulness of measuring children's IQ. Some advantages to testing children would include: those getting help that needed it and the testing could help boost self-esteem when a child does better than expected. Disadvantages for testing children would include: teachers developing a biasedness or unfairly low expectations on children scoring low, children's attitude toward test taking affecting their scores and low self-esteem (not comfortable problem-solving alone, motivation to do well and their feelings of competitiveness) plus some of the disadvantages listed in the first part of this discussion.

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