
Description of what the assessment will involve such as

Strategic Environmental policy Assignment contain two parts.

Which includes reports and calculations. Basically its a assignment on my college building F and its data also attached.

Assignment 1:

Task 1: Develop an assignment plan. The plan will include:

- The purpose and aims of the environmental assessment

- The context of the assignment site: location, environment, etc.

- Key stakeholders/people to be consulted

- The site's role in NMIT: key deliverables/function

- Project methodology including:

Description of what the assessment will involve, such as consultation and identification of key elements of the report, report format, timeline, and protocols.

Site visits carried out and identification of sources of literature relevant to the environmental assessment issues you will be addressing

Any stakeholder liaison/s meetings

Baseline data collection and methods to be used, use of calculators to generate carbon emissions impacts

Summary of data to be used.

Task 2: Describe NMIT general organisation policy/Strategy

Describe, assess and recommend sustainability improvements to aspects of NMIT policy/strategic plans.


This task focuses is on strategic policy analysis from sustainability impact perspective. It applies assessment at the Higher Tier level and looks at:

- Problem identification- specify the issue - Course -why and what?

- Goal setting - what are the aims? Objectives and targets?

- Information collection

- Decision making: Course of action - Priorities -Which? How is choice made?

- Implementation & evaluation When? Where?

The key policy assessment tool is the Business Sustainability Diagnostic Tool. The tools can be used to make a general baseline assessment (scaled checklist) of the organisations policies and program.

Business Diagnostic Tool

Task 3: Describe any NMIT policies in relation to your site/building

The focus is on analysing the assignment site (Lower Tier) from sustainability impact perspective i.e.:

- How are the site/building and operations working?

- What are its environmental impacts?

- What alternatives are available?

- What NMIT sustainability policies apply to the assignment site?

- How do the NMIT sustainability policies relate and translate to the site and administration policies?

Task 4: Greenhouse Gas Assessment of the assignment site

The focus is on analysing the site (Lower Tier) from sustainability impact perspective i.e. :

- How are the site/ building and operations working?

- What are its environmental impacts?

- What NMIT sustainability policies apply to the site?

Assignment 2:

Business report of a minimum 1,200 words (not including appendices charts and tables) in which the student analyses the results obtained from the SEA scorecard project and providing recommendations for improvements where needed.


Students will build on the results of Assignment 1 to:

- Analyse and recommend sustainability improvements to aspects of NMIT policy/strategic plans/ new sustainability building

- Analyse and recommend sustainability improvements to aspects of the NMIT buildings assessed and it's links to relevant NMIT policy/strategic plans.

The SEA assessment will apply the "tiering" principle to assist focus tasks and identify what is to be addressed, for example, high level policy will have broad strategic focus (what and why?) compared to the buildings (how the program is designed, where and timing).

The assessment will apply the SEA process to contribute and help integrate environmental issues into the decision making involved NMIT policy/strategic plans and the operation of assessed buildings & programs

A guide to the SEA process is described in Figure 2.4 and Table 2.1, Therivel, R. 2010. Steps for NMIT organisation Policy and building operation assessment

1. Develop a framework for an SEA report and review for the project

• Write a report and suggest guidelines for implementation
• How will the information be presented?
• Who will be consulted? How should they respond to the results
• How will the report and actions be monitored

2. SEA Screening process in the project brief formulation stage

• Is NMIT reviewing its policies or programs based on legislation, administration orders or is your report being done in an advisory role?
- Why was SEA assessment required?

• Is based on legislation, administration orders or is it to be done in an advisory role?

• Are there any other assessment processes being carried out?

• Who should be involved?

3. SEA Scoping of issues to be considered in the project, baseline collection, formulation of objectives and targets

• What are the objectives of the SEA? - to assess the impact of the NMIT policies and programs?

- What is the target program ? Buildings and operations

- How wide is the assessment? Greenhouse Gas Calculator only

- Did it include many or buildings and operations (scope -issues to be considered)

- What aspects of NMIT sustainability policy will be reviewed? (scope -issues to be considered):

Task 1: what were the NMIT strategies and how did they relate to the operations and buildings? How well are being implemented? For example, Healthy Living, Work Balance or Energy use ?

The SEA objective may be:

" To measure the extent to which the building and operations are effective in implementing the NMIT energy sustainability policies ( assuming they have one ?) - refer Table 6.1 Therivil, 2010).

Indicators used in Greenhouse Gas Calculator :

Energy data
Water use
Paper use
Greenhouse Gas Emissions

What is the scope? Write it out ? what is missing ? Will it measure waste, water use, emissions', health, bio diversity?

What are the objectives of the NMIT policies being reviewed?

What is the baseline condition of the buildings & operations

- assessed using the Greenhouse gas calculator :

- are there any problems/issues relating to the building and operations?

What issues can be observed from the site visit that may not be measured or identified by the baseline tool, for example, staff policies and approach, duplications in use of machines, building management practices

• What are the alternatives?

- review the building & operations practices - are the any key building & operations practices that could be considered as alternatives.

- what is the impact of the alternatives ( predict) using the Greenhouse Gas Calculator tool to model the impact, for example, assume: that switching off lights may reduce electricity bills by 5%- What is the impact on Greenhouse Gas Calculator

What do case studies of changes in other buildings indicate, for example, Melbourne City Council building

- List key 4-5 alternatives practices

4. SEA Assessment and input into the Project impact management and action Selection stage

Predict and evaluate the impacts of alternative building & operations :

• What is the baseline building & operations Greenhouse Gas Emissions ?

For example Resource use indicated by the Greenhouse Gas Calculator

• What are the alternatives?

For example, assume that switching off lights may reduce electricity bills by 5% What is the impact on Greenhouse Gas Emissions ? ( modelling )

• What policy options are available for each alternative for mitigation of impacts

• Which is preferred - on what criteria - rate impact 1-5?

• What issues and trade offs may be involved, eg, which strategies provide optimum positive impact and reduce negative impacts, which are easily implemented?

5. Write the SEA report with recommendations and guidelines for implementation

6. Suggest a consultation process for the report

7. SEA monitoring and follow up of the Project implementation stage

• What evaluation processes being carried out?

• Who should be involved?

• Suggest an action plan & timeline.

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Other Subject: Description of what the assessment will involve such as
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