
Description of the racial or ethnic issue

Assignment Discussion: Advocating for Social Change

Social change is needed to address issues of racial and ethnic inequality such as those that you considered in Week 5. In Reading 56, Allan G. Johnson discusses Gandhi's Paradox which questions whether or not one person can make a difference in bringing about social change. This paradox suggests that one individual cannot make a difference, but that it is still important to make the effort. Social change requires the work of many people doing their parts. Recommendations for creating talking points are included in the reading. These strategies and recommendations can help you advocate for social change.

To prepare for this Discussion:

Review the constructs related to race and ethnicity that you have explored throughout the course in your Learning Resources. Pay particular attention to the dialogue between Myles Horton and Paulo Freire.

Identify a racial or ethnic issue that is of interest to you or even a passion for you and for which you might advocate.

Think about what strategies that you might use to best advocate for your issue.

Craft one main talking point that you would use to advocate for your issue. For instance, the Black Lives Matter movement's platform includes equality for everyone.

With these thoughts in mind:

Post a description of the racial or ethnic issue for which you might advocate and explain why this issue is important to you. Explain how you would advocate for your issue, including the strategies you might use to advocate for it. Be specific. Also, articulate one main talking point that you might use to advocate for your cause.

Be sure to support your postings and responses with specific references to the Learning Resources.

Use APA format and at least one reference. At least one quote.

Required Readings: Rosenblum, K. E., & Travis T. C. (2016). The meaning of difference: American constructions of race and ethnicity, sex and gender, social class, sexuality, and disability (7th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.

Section IV, "Framework Essay"

Section IV, Reading 56, "What Can We Do? Becoming a Part of the Solution"

Section IV, Reading 58, "Uprooting Racism: How White People Can Work for Racial Justice"

King, M. L., Jr. (2009). I Have a Dream speech. I Have a Dream (Primary Source Document), 1-3.

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