
Description of the methodology

Please read the section of the report carefully before answering the following questions.

1. Name the specific method of data collection used to explore the experiences of a child or children affected by others’ drinking in this study.

2. Based on the description of the methodology used please indicate the type of qualitative study design which is being used for this section of the study and briefly justify your selection.

3. Using bullet points briefly summarise the analysis process outlined in 2.4.3 (Remember to paraphrase this information into your own words/phrasing to demonstrate your understanding – direct quotes are not appropriate for this assignment).

4. Please refer to Appendix C (p. 122) which outlines the 5 broad themes across which responses of participants are categorised. Imagine you are responsible for coding some of the data collected. For each of the following statements please identify which theme the statement most appropriately fits into:

(i) “I confided in a family friend, hoping that he would talk sense into my partner but he said he didn’t want to get involved and started avoiding us”

(ii) “When she is sober things are totally different – the house is in order and the children always make it to school.”

(iii) ”..Matts drinking caused a terrible argument at my sister’s wedding.”

(iv) “Aimee – she was nervous about being away from home. Even on school trips – she never wanted to go. She was always worried something bad would happen when she wasn’t at home”

TASK B – Quantitative Sampling & Study Design

Section outlines the process followed to collect data from key informants such as service providers and policy makers. Please read section of the report carefully before answering the following questions.

5. Based on the description of the sampling process outlined in section please:

(i) State whether probability or non-probability sampling was used (1 mark)

(ii) Name the specific type of sampling method used and describe how it was carried out for this research project (You will need to refer to the descriptions of the different types of sampling in the content on CloudDeakin to help form your answer.) (5 marks)

TASK C – Quantitative Research – Statistics

Chapter of the report relates to domestic violence, family service and alcohol-specific services. Please read sections and carefully examine the data in Table before answering the following questions.

6. Describe the trend in “All family Incidents” of domestic violence in Victoria during the period 2007-2013. (Note: When describing trends it is expected that for the beginning of their answer students should describe what is happening from one year to the next (e.g. small, moderate or large increases/decreases or not much/no change)J-in addition to this students should then provide a general statement about the overall trend in the data -between 2007 and 2013. Please refer to the figures from the table throughout your -answer to ensure that your description of the trend is backed up by the data.

Students -SHOULD NOT do any calculations for this assignment but can make general statements -about proportion e.g. rate has approximately trebled or halved etc., again this should always be backed up with the provision of the actual figures.

These tips also apply to remaining questions in Task C.

7. Based on the data in table describe the trend in “Definite Alcohol Involvement” in family incidents in Victoria during the period 2007-2013. (Note: Students should use the data in the ’n’ column (where ’n’ represents the number of incidents) and the % column in the “definite alcohol involvement” section of the table to back up every aspect of their description.)

Alcohol is responsible for a large and increasing proportion (i. e. percentage) of domestic violence cases in Victoria”.

8. Based on your answers for questions 6 and 7 above, please discuss whether you think the above statement about alcohol’s role in the rates of domestic violence in Victoria is correct, Mm artiall correct using specific figures from the table to back up your response.

Chapter of this study examines the “Effect of Others’ Drinking on Children: 2008 HTO survey findings”. Please read the Introduction to 4.1 in order to get some background knowledge before completing the next part of your assignment.

9. The following questions relate to interpreting Means with Confidence Intervals. Please refer to table 4.4 of the report which provides data relating to harms to children reported by carers with children.

(i) The data in table 4.4 indicates that based on carers reports 2% of children aged 0-12 were left unsupervised because of someone else’s drinking in the past 12 months and this finding has a 95% confidence interval ranging from 1 to 4, that is 2 [1, 4]. Please form a statement which outlines what this confidence interval means about the mean value within the context of this research. (Note: Writing statements about statistical significance will be covered in the topic 7 content and the online seminar).

(ii) The data in table 4.4 also shows that 7% of children aged 0-12 were verbally abused because of someone else’s drinking in the past 12 months and this finding is presented with a 95% confidence interval ranging from 5 to 9, that is 7 [5, 9]. Please form a statement which outlines what this confidence interval means within the context of this research.

10. It appears, based on the mean values alone, that the 0-12 age group was: verbally abused: more frequently than left flunsupervised: due to other’s drinking. Is this difference between the rates of verbal abuse and being unsupervised statistically significant or not statistically significant for the 0-12 age group? Please provide an explanation of how you interpreted the confidence interval to support your answer. (Hint: You may find it helpful to draw both sets of confidence intervals on a number line to investigate if they overlap or not, a diagram is not a requirement for full marks however).

11. (i) According to the mean values for verbal abuse, which age group (i.e. 0-12 or 13-17 year olds) experienced more verbal abuse? Please use data to back up your answer.

(ii) Is this difference between the two age groups for the mean rate of verbal abuse statistically significant or not statistically significant? Briefly justify your answer. (Note: Again you may find drawing the Cl’s on a number line helpful)

Task D – Odds Ratios & Confidence Intervals

For the purposes of the below questions please treat the values for ’Multivariate Odds Ratio’ as you would the ’Odds Ratio’ values you have studies in topic 7 of HBSlOS.

Note on interpreting odds ratios:

OR of 1 is interpreted as no risk;

OR is >1, there is an increased risk;

OR is <1, the exposure is protective.

Table provides data on Factors affecting the likelihood of child protection intervention among substantiated cases.


(i) Based on the “Multivariate Odds Ratio” column in table 8.5, identify the “Family types” with an increased odds of child protection intervention and provide the relevant Odds Ratio values and state in your own words how you know the odds are higher for the family type(s) you selected.

(ii) For the Family types you selected for Q12 (i) above please indicate whether each one is statistically significant g not statistically significant and briefly outline how this was established.

13. Read the Unit Learning Outcomes (ULO’s) section in the unit guide for HBSlOS (available on CloudDeakin). Briefly outline how the assessment tasks and learning resources you have completed for HBSlOS to date have enabled you to achieve the ULO’s. (Please refer to some specific unit learning outcomes (or components of the ULO’s) to support your answer.

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