
Description of the biases andor preconceived notions that

Analyzing Barriers to communication

Regardless of family configuration, background, strengths and/or challenges, every family wants the best for their child(ren). When early childhood professionals partner effectively with families, both contribute significant insights and knowledge.

Yet, as you explore this week, communication between early childhood professionals and families may be complicated bu differences in values, beliefs, traditions, expectations and languages. Although every communication exchange should reflect a thoughtful, planned approach that takes into consideration each family's unique characteristics, your own personal biases may get in the way of meaningful communication. Think about the many different kinds of families that you read about in this week''s resources.

Answer the questions.

*A description of the biases and/or preconceived notions that you might have about particular types of families that could impede your communication with these families.

*How these barriers might affect your interactions with children.

*Offer your colleagues insights, lessons, and exceptional resources you have come across both in this program of study and your experience to help break down barriers to communication.

please cite these sources.

Derman-Sparks, L.& Olsen Edwards, J. (2010). Anti-bias education for young children and ourselves. Washington, DC:National Association for the Education of Young children (NAEYC) Chapter 9. "Learning about Family structures and Fairness.

Arndt, J.S., McGuire-Schwartz, M. (2008). Early childhood school success: Recognizing families as integral partners. Childhood Education, 84(5).

Eun Kyeong, C., Chen, D.W., & Sunghee S. (2010). Supporting transnational families. YC: Young Children, 65(4), 30-37.

Stephens, K. (2010). Building informed relationships: What parents can teach us about their children. Exchange: The early childhood leaders'' Magazine since 1978, 194, 38-40.

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Essay Writing: Description of the biases andor preconceived notions that
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