Description of posttraumatic stress disorder


Please choose one DSM-IV-TR diagnosis that you find particularly interesting, and utilize the library database to research this diagnosis for etiology, criteria, and effective treatments. You will submit a short paragraph describing the intent and purpose of the paper with the completed reference section .

The purpose of this assignment is to demonstrate that you have acquired the minimum level of competency in regards to understanding psychopathology. The final section will be a self-reflection on the role of mental health in the treatment of the chosen diagnosis.


Papers will follow current APA guidelines in terms of type, margins, and citations.A minimum of five references/citations will be acceptable for this assignment. No more than 1 web link will count for this assignment! Think Professional Journals and use the library database!

NOTE: Please use this note below to develop the abstract (include all areas I have mentioned). Develop a table of content on this note below. The final body of this paper will be 8 to 10 pages in length. Students will research and select one diagnosis from the DSM-IV-TR, and review the history, criteria, causes,(cultural and relationship dynamics to military and trauma/victimization) and treatments.

Examination of the role of mental health in the treatment of the chosen diagnosis.Recommendations, self-reflection on research process and conclusion . I will attach all reading resources and make sure all is reflected in the content with appropriate APA citations. The first two references are textbooks and make sure they are consulted too.

Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD):

The present study intends to give a vivid description of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) with a detailed examination on the diagnostic etiology, criteria and treatment options. The study will critically examine works from other authors and investigate the role of mental health in the treatment of clients suffering from PTSD and present recommendations that will influence decision-making. The study will also look at cultural factors and influences related to PTSD. Some cultures may perpetuate PTSD. In addition, some relationship dynamics might encourage PTSD (such as abusive relationships). The study will look at the history of PTSD as a disorder and illustrate its relationship to the military and trauma/victimization. This paper will incorporate the prevalence of this disorder, those affected by it, and how treatment addresses different populations with PTSD. The purpose of this paper is educational and to increase public awareness on PTSD. Scholars and educators will use this paper to conduct their studies and research on the topic. Policy and decision makers will utilize this work when making decisions related to mental health issues, especially on PTSD. This study will serve as a good resource material for mental health workers as well as families and friends of clients suffering from PTSD. The study will conclude with the researcher's own point of view on the topic under discourse.


1. Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research,Practice, and Policy

Two-Year Follow-Up of a Brief Dyadic Cognitive-Behavioral Intervention Designed to Prevent PTSD by Isabeau Bousquet Des Groseilliers, André Marchand

Preferences for Trauma-Related Mental Health Services Among Latina Immigrants From Central America, South America, and Mexico by Stacey Kaltman, Alejandra Hurtado de Mendoza

The Relations Between Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and Persistent Dissociation Among Ex-Prisoners of War: A Longitudinal Study by Gadi Zerach, Talya Greene, Karni Ginzburg

2. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice

Outcomes of Participation in the REACH Multifamily Group Program for Veterans With PTSD and Their Families by Ellen P. Fischer, Michelle D. Sherman

3. Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy

Acceptance and Action Questionnaire—II Scores as a Predictor of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Symptoms Among War Veterans by Eric C. Meyer, Sandra B. Morissette

4. Prevalence and Nature of Criminal Offending in a National Sample of Veterans in VA Substance Use Treatment Prior to the Operation Enduring Freedom/Operation Iraqi Freedom Conflicts by Christopher M. Weaver

5. Developmental Psychology

The Impact of the Developmental Timing of Trauma Exposure on PTSD Symptoms and Psychosocial Functioning Among Older Adults by Christin M. Ogle, David C. Rubin

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