
Description of literature search strategy including data

The research topic is --- Does the inability to receive clinical bedside handover report decrease the effectiveness of nurses who comes to work late.

The writer will identify the dependable and the independable variables, explore the implications, thegap in nursing and in research measure the difference , nail down the variables, time wasted when nurse have to look through kardex for information if didnt recieve report from outgoing nurse and patients out come. and please follow the assignment instructions. Thanks for your time.

Conceptual Definitions Literature Search, Synthesis and Critique Assignment

Students will search, synthesize and critique the empirical literature to support a research proposal related to their topic.

Building on the first assignment, students will be expected to identify key concepts of interest relevant to their topic and to include conceptual definitions for each.

Using these key concepts students will conduct a literature search of the empirical literature and select relevant research articles for consideration. Students will then synthesize and critique the literature selected to identify current knowledge in their area of interest.

Students are encouraged to refer to chapters 5-8 in Grove et al., (2013), as well as building on faculty feedback received for assignment 1.

This assignment must include:

1. Introduction including a clear statement of the research problem to be addressed and study purpose (building on assignment 1),

2. Identification and conceptual definition(s) of key concept(s) related to your research problem supported by appropriate literature

3. Description of literature search strategy including data bases searched, key search terms, use of Boolean operators and delimiters etc.

4. Rationale for selection of articles included in the review (e.g. # of articles retrieved and reason for including and excluding articles etc.)

5. Synthesis of relevant empirical literature- discuss the current state of knowledge based on the research in relation to your concept(s) or study focus (topic area) including similarities and differences between studies, comparable and conflicting results etc.

6. Critique of strengths and limitations of the empirical literature as a whole (i.e. discuss studies collectively rather than individually) in relation to study validity (consider construct, statistical conclusion, internal and external validity)

7. Summary & Conclusion stating what is known about the topic and highlighting gaps requiring further study.

Length: Not to exceed 8 type written, double spaced pages (excluding references)

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Reference No:- TGS02710124

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