
Description of how your background and behavioral blend

A practical book review is a way of responding to readings, lectures, and life experiences that requires the learner to interact with new ideas and techniques on several levels. Your practical book review can be accomplished by thinking of four words: summarize, respond, reflect, and act. Use the following paragraphs and headings to complete your review.


Give the current APA formatted reference of the book below the heading SUMMARIZE!. Summarize what you have read. Prove that you comprehend the material by writing a no-nonsense summary. SUMMARIZE! is not a commentary or a rehearsing of Petersen's table of contents; rather, it is a gut-level, insightful overview of the longer, more elaborate book. It must provide a clear overview of the material. Keep this section to 500 words.


What parts of this book are about you? You will remember almost nothing you have read unless you make this critical, personal connection. Be transparent and get vulnerable with your answer.Relate a personal life episode that Petersen's text triggered in your memory. What video memory began play back? Relate your story in first person and describe action; quote exact words you remember hearing or saying and/or the non-verbals on display in the memory. What was going on with your internal conversation during the story? In the teaching style of Jesus, this is a do-it-yourself parable, case study, and confession. Conversely, this is your chance to tell your story and make new ideas your own through a practical learning activity designed for you.Keep this section to 300 words.


What new questions or epiphanies popped up for you after reading the book and listening to Dr. Petersen's comments? In the margins of the book, journal and become a meaning-making specialist. Clarify statements made with your situation/context in mind. Use questions like: "What bothers me about this book?" Or, use statements like: "I am reticent to accept ... because ..." or "This technique will help me to...."Also, what insight(s), technique(s), word pictures(s), and tool(s) are you seeing for the first time? Keep this section to 300 words.


So what are you going to doabout it? What actions or changes are you going to make in your life as a result of this information? What techniques do you need to incorporate to improve your relational style? What tools (questions, word pictures, techniques, etc.) will you use to help a friend or a counselee to get unstuck and move towards meaningful change/solution? Where will you place these tools within the structure of your counseling scenario? Be specific as to what techniques you will use from the Petersen text. Keep this section to 500 words.

The material for your final project will be built throughout the course. The purpose of the Interpersonal Communication Project is twofold: (1) to develop an interpersonal communication design that will demonstrate an appreciation for maintaining an accurate awareness of needs and resources while seeking to develop healthy, healing, and holy relationships and, (2) to demonstrate your ability to compose and deliver an oral message with clear and purposeful content that is effectively organized. You will be responsible for recording (via video) yourself giving a lecture presenting a corresponding PowerPoint presentation. The video lecture will be uploaded to YouTube, and the PowerPoint presentation must be submitted through the assignment link.

Interestingly, while Bridges Not Walls lays the foundation for the final project, the self-teaching guide Listening: The Forgotten Skill will provide the basic structure (sections). You will utilize these categories:

1. Introduction;

2. Identification of an overarching goal (OAG) for your life and definition of enlarging the conversation. With an OAG or a master goal, you will be able to influence the process of enlarging a particular conversation within your interpersonal arena.This is being brought to your attention now with the hope of influencing the entire learning journey in HSCO 508;

3. Description of how your background and behavioral blend have influenced your conversation (positively and negatively);

4. Defining the potential barriers in your interpersonal context and how you are going to deal with each one;

5. Identifying and providing solutions to noise pollution both internally and externally; and

6. Action Plan: Discuss what actions you will take in order to make your personal communication goals a reality.

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Other Subject: Description of how your background and behavioral blend
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