Discuss the below:
Supplier Scorecard
Purpose: A supplier scorecard is "used to report a supplier's performance on key performance indicators (KPI)". (Swink, page 350). Using the criteria outlined below, create a weighted supplier scorecard for the suppliers in Practice Operations. This scorecard can be used as a tool for successfully completing future modules.
Required: Students are to evaluate all the Practice Operations suppliers using at least four criteria and two materials. Consider using factors such as quality, reliability, breadth of offering, availability of discounts, minimum order size, etc. The exact design, weighting and criteria are up to the individual student. Please include the following:
• Data used to create the scorecard. For example, if price is one of the criteria, list the prices charged by all the suppliers.
• An explanation of the rating and its meaning. For example, what does a ‘1' signify? How was it determined?
• A description and explanation of the scorecard, including why you selected the criteria, material and weighting you selected. Include your thoughts on how this information affected the outcome of the module.
Description and summary must be written in complete sentences. While grading is not heavily weighted on grammar and spelling, these elements will be taken into consideration, as will overall nformat and readability.
Examples of scorecards can be found in the textbook, the Practice Operations Student Manual and online