Project description:
Write your essay:
- Introduction 100-150w: general/introductory information about the genre/style, about the play and the production element you are focusing on.
- Main body: description and analysis of the production element of your choice.
Relate your descriptions to the play. Give a lot of examples from within the play, use quotes from the play and justify things from within the play. For example Elizabethan costume may generally be like *this*, but Juliettes costume for this play must take into consideration the characters age and personality, scene and costume changes, references that might be in the play from other characters to her garments and so on.
Use your common sense to address practicalities and show an understanding of how aspects of production interact with one another. For example according to Elizabethan fashion, Lady Macbeth should be wearing a corset made of iron, however this must not restrict her mobility and must not press down hard on her diaphragm because she needs to be able to breathe freely in order to project her voice. OR: Traditional Noh mask may be made out of *this kind* of specific wood, but as this kind of wood is native only in Japan, I propose alternatively the use of *this* material which has similar properties and will create a similar result.
Use pictures/visuals that demonstrate what you want to say. All pictures must have captions (not included in the word count) explaining what it is they are demonstrating and why it is necessary to be there. Visuals in a RI must be fully justified and not merely for decoration.
-Conclusion 100-150w: Wrapping up the findings of your research, conclusive statement about the viability of the project and the importance of following the aforementioned steps
8. Cite your sources. ALL information you are including except products of common sense should be properly attributed and referenced. As this is not a creative exercise, everything you say is essentially the product of someone elses research; so practically, every second or third sentence should appear in quotation marks, footnoted, and then the source must feature in your bibliography (including the pictures).