Question 1) Explain briefly on the following:
(a) What are keywords and data type qualifiers?
(b) What are the areas of applications of for statement?
(c) Give memory representation of a two dimensional array.
(d) Can a pointer variable appear on the left hand side of an assignment operator?
(e) Explain the scope and visibility of a variable.
(g) How will you convert value of a character into ASCII?
(h) What are the restrictions on processing of enumerated data types?
(i) What are various modes in which a file may be opened?
(j) Write the difference between signed and unsigned data types.
Question 2)(a) Describe the working of scanf() and printf() functions.
(b) Draw a flowchart to determine the largest of five numbers.
Question 3)(a) What are preprocessor directives? What is their function in a C program?
(b) How is pointer to an array created and used in C program? Describe with suitable example.
Question 4)(a) Describe the various storage classes available in C.
(b) Write a program to determine the factorial of a number using recursion.
Question 5) Write various types of operators available in C language with their use. Write the precedence of operators according to hierarchy.
Question 6) Write a program which reads two matrices and prints the product of these matrices.
Question 7) Write a C program which accepts name of the file to be created and list of names of students of a class from the user and writes into file. The exact number of students is not known.