
Describing various stages of combustion in c.i. engines

Answer the following questions in detail.

Question 1) Describe the function of thermostat in Engine and Cooling system.

Question 2) Draw Otto cycle on P- V and T-S diagram.

Question 3) What do you understand by knocking? Explain why.

Question 4) Which has a higher sped, a Sl engine of a CI engine? Explain why

Question 5) What are the requirements of good combustion chamber for S.I. engine?

Question 6) How does the air fuel ratio affect engine's performance?

Question 7) Describe the requirements of an ideal injection.

Question 8) Distinguish between lower and higher calorific values of fuel and their applications.

Question 9) Write down briefly the limitations experienced in the evaluation of friction power, using Wilian's line method.

Question 10) What is the need for supercharging and what are the Turbo charged engines.

Question 11) Describe the various stages of combustion in C.I. engines elaborating the flame front propagation.

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Mechanical Engineering: Describing various stages of combustion in c.i. engines
Reference No:- TGS08907

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