
Describing theorem and applications of pumping lemma

1) Convert εNFA to DFA and corresponding εNFA iff DFA theorem.

2) Demonstrate by induction theorem with suitable example.

3) What do you mean by a regular expression?

4) Write down the difference between L* and L+.

5) Write a r.e to denote the language L that accepts all strings that begin or end with either 00 or 11.

6) Create a r.e for language over the set _= {a,b} in which total number of a’s are divisible by 3.

7) What do you mean by:

(i) (0+1)*

(ii) (01)*

(iii) (0+1)

(iv) (0+1)+

8) Write down the applications of pumping lemma? And define the theorem.

9) Explain the closure property of regular sets with suitable example.

10) Reg exp for language such that each string will have at least one ‘a’ followed by at least one ‘b’.

11) Let R be any set of regular languages. Is UR regular? Verify it.

12) Illustrate that (r*)*=r*

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Theory of Computation: Describing theorem and applications of pumping lemma
Reference No:- TGS011528

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